For some of our animals we are a temporary soft landing spot, a safe place to get well and they will hopefully find a forever loving home. Others will live their days at the rescue being loved and cared for by our volunteers. These are some of our animal’s stories.

Elsa and her puppies
Elsa was an unwanted Christmas present. We believe she is a Pyrenees poss. Lab cross. A friend took her in but couldn’t keep her with 2 other dogs and other things going on like new house and new job. January 18th, 2024 she gave birth to 4 beautiful puppies. she had 2 boys and 2 girls. Our volunteers agreed to name them after exotic rare cars. The 2 boys are named Rolls Royce Phantom and Drakan Spyder. The two girls are Lotus and Pantera. All 4 have potential approved furever homes. Elsa will stay at the rescue with our other Pyr and be trained to protect our rescued farm animals from any potential predators.
Lotus and Draken have been adopted. Pantera and Phantom adoption pending.
Amazon Wishlist for Elsa and her pups

Rufus’ previous owner thought she was doing what was best for him. She took him in to prevent him from going to the shelter. Unfortunately him being a larger playful puppy and her being up in age didn’t mix. He is a Pyrenees mix. She reached out to many places for help. No one had the room for sweet Rufus. He would ultimately end up at the local shelter as an owner surrender. The shelter was full and owner surrenders are the first on the euth list. She saw a post I made about our rescue and reach out to me to save Rufus. How could I say no to that cute face? She also had to leave the state to help a sick family member. Rufus came to the rescue and after a few days I’m happy to report Rufus has been adopted! He was around 6 or 7 months old when he came to us and will now has a bright future ahead of him! We still get to see him daily as one of our supporter’s son adopted him.

Sasha is everyone’s favorite. She is an American Bully. She was a puppy when we took her in. Her previous owners were moving and the new place had a limit of 3 dogs they had 4 so they had to give up 1. She has stayed as our Mascott and a great ambassador for the breed. She was adopted by our Board President and trained to be her service dog but unfortunately due to Sasha’s knee issues and hips she was retired early. She will always have a furever home. Sasha puts a smile on everyone’s face she meets. she loves being center of attention and knows when someone needs a hug or some kisses. Her favorite things to do are snoring loudly while sleeping, being goofy, getting attention from everyone and begging for food. One of her funniest traits is she always has her tongue sticking out sleeping and awake.

Woody and Ivy



Tank and Christmas



Krypto and Spudz

2 Bully Pit Brothers born 7/31/21. Available for adoption to approved homes only. Must have prior breed experience and single dog home recommended, no cats.
Now Microchipping with Fi Nano !!!
We were approved 3/5/24 for the Fi Nano 501c3 shelter and rescue program to help rescued dogs get microchipped. Now all dogs entering our rescue and up for adoption will be microchipped. The great thing about their program is if the owners of our adopted animals cannot be reached in event their pets are lost our nonprofit will be secondary emergency contact and they would reach out to us. This will hopefully help any lost pets have that extra security blanket helping them find their way home.

If you would like to donate a microchip scanner to our rescue I have made a Wishlist of cheap ones to keep in the vehicle for rescue calls and slightly more expensive ones that fellow rescues use in their offices. With this scanner we’d be able to scan any strays or rescues for a microchip and if they have one help them get back to the ones they love.